In our society today, it is nice to have a place where you can pull back from your hectic city life and just enjoy the easy, calm life in a simple way. Hermit's Cabin is a perfect example of such a place. Mats Theselius has together with the Swedish company Arvesund created the Hermit's Cabin, that is a small house intended for one person, built and designed for all seasons. You can place it wherever you want to create your own room of silence and solitude.
Arvesund has their own way of doing recycling. At the time they designed the Hermit's Cabin, they came up with the idea of using wood from old tumbled-down barns and such in their design. By doing this, the old timber gets a new life.
I believe that simplicity is the key to a good life, and the Hermit's Cabin sure is a great place to escape the rush and pressure we surround ourselves with everyday.

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